is the home page of Paul Joseph Kahle and his family.
Warning! Herein you will find the ramblings of a strange and demented mind exposed for your amusement.
To begin with there are four of us; Vanessa (my wife), Zachary , Jacob and myself. The boys are all grown and moved out of our house but Vanessa and I live in medium sized house in the Scandinavian center of America, Ballard, Washington. Although the city of Seattle took over the administration of Ballard in the infamous "Dead Horse" election in 1904, Ballard remains a city separate from the rest of the latte culture of the Pacific Northwest.
We have many interests among the four of us so read on and follow the links. That's what makes the web such a powerful tool. Even a page of disconnected ideas like this one can serve as the focus for learning or teaching.
We own a piece of land over in Eastern Washington on which we have built a log house. It is located in the north end of a wind gap called Green Canyon in Kittitas County.
I am experimenting with hyper stories as a way to use the web to disseminate information on various levels.
One of my strangest hobbies is umpiring for youth baseball. I work with the Northwest Baseball Umpires Association (NBUA) and I run their website for them. If you're interested in umpiring yourself and you live in the Seattle area, you should check it out at
If you want to communicate with me try e-mail at
Last Updated 16-Apr-2023 by Paul Kahle